Thursday, December 28, 2006

top 100 lists

Happy birthday, Emily - I'm glad you were able to go through the temple today and that it was a good experience for you!

Jared, you've inspired me to take another crack at my Top 100 list ... you're right, it is pretty hard to get to 100. I have random things written down on various pieces of paper scattered about, and I recently put them into one computer file. I was stuck at about 25. I went through some of my journals tonight, where I have more random things written down, and also looked at your list and Mom's, and got mine up to 57. I'm sure I'll come up with more ... I was just listing things at random, but sorted them into categories. Here are a couple per topic to give you an idea of what I'm interested in, and maybe get some more ideas for yourself.

Spiritual uplift: Study the Gospel Doctrine lessons at home every week for 4 years (since I haven't gone to that Sunday School class since 2003), attend endowment sessions in 30 temples with Adam (we're up to 5 together), and be in the Hill Cumorah pageant.

Family: Make a swaddling blanket for each of my children, help plan family reunions, and take my daughters to a spa for a day-long treatment the week before they get married.

Home: BUY A HOUSE (that would be important, ya know?), have an herb garden in our kitchen, do the 12 Months of Christmas (one Christmas project per month for a year).

Education: Finish this medical transcription course (FINALLY), get voice coaching, take a class in infant massage, lots of reading - biographies and classic literature.

Evil politics (yes, that's how I wrote it): get a Master's degree in public policy, write a blog for a year.

Travel: Go on a cooking tour of Italy, visit all the Church history sites, go to a bunch of Civil War battlefields.

Cool stuff to do: Go to a World Cup soccer game, see a Broadway play in New York City, watch the sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean.

I'll post the whole thing when it's finished. I'd like to get it done by the weekend. I have plenty more traveling and fun stuff that I'm sure I can come up with. I'd like to see everyone else's ideas, so put them up on your page!! P.S. Jared, I like how you did all the pictures on the page for your goals - that was fun to go through!

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