Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Getting ready

I've been doing quite a lot of that over the past three days. On Monday, Mom and I went to Wal-Mart. Then on Tuesday, she had a doctor's appointment in Portland, so I went with her. Mom and Dad got me a birthday present -- a long white dress. And we went to Deseret Books and some other stores. And today, Mom and I went to the grocery store after we dropped Clarissa off at work.

Do you remember what Eric was like before his mission? I've been like that over the past couple of days. Dad got some new DVDs, including a set on Church history, and I watched some of them, as well as older videos. And there are still some that I haven't watched -- yet -- like "Mountain of the Lord." But I'm sure I'll get around to that in the next week.

My birthday is going to be the best ever.

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