Tuesday, December 05, 2006

8 hours!!!

Summer slept for 8 hours straight last night!! Woo hoo!! We finally got her down at 10-something last night - close to 11, and she slept clear until 7 this morning. Yay!! Then she took a 2-hour nap this morning after eating her oatmeal and applesauce (mixed, with a little bit of formula as the milk), and now she just finished her lunch of turkey/rice/sweet potatoes - baby food, mixed with babyfood peas - and pears on the side. She's eating like a champ, and she's figuring out the sippy cup. She's currently wandering around in her exersaucer and playing her little piano and talking away. She's on the verge of cutting teeth. I still don't feel anything in her gums trying to break through, but she's chomping on things pretty hard these days and getting randomly fussy.

And there's your Summer report ... Adam has his first final on Thursday, so he's been at the library all day every day lately. He was there all day Saturday, and was even going to go on Sunday after church but his study group got cancelled. He feels pretty good about how he's doing so far, and he got a blessing that said he will do well. But that doesn't mean he can slack off. His last final is on the 15th, and then we have 3 weeks of freedom!! And boy, do we have plans!! It's going to be a great Christmas!!

I'm fine. Doing my own studying, working 2 days a week for our bishop's wife so stuff never gets done around here, behind on making Christmas presents ... you know the routine. Same ol' same ol'. But if I was still working, it would be even worse because I'd be in San Antonio this whole week. But I'm NOT!! I'm HERE!! Hooray!!

M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S !!!


Eric said...

Congrats! It's a whole new world now. Enjoy the "sleeping all night but not crawling and climbing and getting into everything" stage.

Anonymous said...

For someone who claims to be happy to have left a job, you sure do talk about what you would otherwise be doing alot. I've left several jobs in the past, and I haven't given them a second thought since. Who cares where I might be? This is where I am.

treen said...

You know, Jared, the only comment I've made about leaving my job is about not traveling in December. It was always a bad trip, and last year was particularly rough (only partially because of being pregnant). It's a big, big deal to NOT be on that trip this year.

And Eric - the 8 hours was a one-time thing. She was up a couple of times last night, and I fed her at 4 am. I'm not going to get excited about it being "a whole new world" until she does it for at least a week! But for the moment, it was wonderful to get a full night of sleep without being woken up even once.

Skippy said...
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Skippy said...

I can't believe you Trina. What kind of mother are you? I bet Summer woke up a dozen times during those eight hours, you just didn't hear her. As a matter of fact, I bet she snuck out with her so-called play group friends. I bet they are bad influences on her. Or maybe the other way around. Sneaking out in the middle of the night...shame on you Summer.

Michelle said...

Thanks for the updates. It is good to hear what is going on. Summer is so cute. Good luck to Adam on his remaining finals. Hope you do have a wonderful Christmas.