Sunday, December 17, 2006

sacrament meeting program

This link is to the Christmas cantata our ward did this morning. It lasts only about 20 minutes (so there was also a Primary number and a speaker besides the choir), but it's absolutely beautiful. It's an entire cantata based on the song Silent Night, and all the narration is the Nativity straight out of the scriptures. We had a flute with the first song, and a violin at the end. I did the 3rd verse solo and the "Jesus, Lord at thy Birth" solo. (They're right together.) If any of you can do any suggestions for your ward choir next Christmas, I highly recommend this entire thing.

I haven't listened to any of the other music on this website, but I'm definitely planning to. All of it has MP3 files, and all of the sheet music is available for download. And for FREE!! Also at the link above, although that link is specific for the Silent Night cantata. Just thought I'd share some great music!!

P.S. I loved Amanda's actor bio on the Pure Chaos page - I learned a lot about her!!


Frank and Evelyn said...

We're not doing the cantata but we're singing three of her songs as a choir and I'm not sure about the solos. We're singing "Peace, Peace, Peace". Our Christmas program is next Sunday. I was telling Mindy and Tawnia about this site because she also has some piano duet arrangements of church songs.

Anonymous said...

I don't think our choir could do that, because I'm the pianist and I can't play that stuff. We did do Silent Night, though. We did my own arrangement, and it was really good. First Brother Bustos and I sang "Stille Nacht" while he played the guitar, then I went to the piano and the choir sang a slight variation of this arrangement.