Tuesday, May 17, 2005

To My Family

Dear Miss Palmer's Family,
Ana is writing this letter. Ana's nice girl and Ana doesn't want Miss Palmer to go to a different school next year. Anyways, ahh... back to the letter. Miss Palmer is a wonderful lady and people like her too. Sometimes she's funny, but we can get over that. Miss Palmer knows how much we love her. And the school thinks she's a good girl. Anytime you tell her a joke she just cracks up laughing. And we hope you write her back. Miss Palmer is cool and I think she knows that. If you go anywhere.... write her back. Families should write to their daughters. Her birthday is already past and I hope you called her and wished her a happy birthday. And I hope you had a happy mother's day. And that Miss Palmer can come and visit you. And I hope you come and visit Miss Palmer one day.... and you know, I think you're great. And Miss Palmer knows how much she loves you. And when you write back, you should say Dear Miss Palmer. I love you and stuff. And Ana is 12 and she is in 4th grade and Miss Palmer and her are best friends. So maybe you can just write her back and send her a lot of presents.


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