Monday, May 02, 2005


Well, you'd think that now that I don' t have any homework, I'd suddenly have more time... but that hasn't been the case. I have been a lot more social lately, though after the CES fireside last night I may have to cut back to just "hanging out" with the girls I'm friends with. =) It was a great fireside where Elder Oaks encouraged the young men to date instead of just hanging out and told the girls to not just hang around waiting to get asked out, but to get an education and continue on with life. I feel that I've got that one pretty much covered.

This last week I was in a "Paraeducator" Conference on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. So I didn't get much of a weekend. I did learn a lot though... now I just have to process all that information and put it to work.

The weather here has been crazy for Utah. I've never seen this much rain here. I feel like I'm back in Oregon. The nice part is that it has made it BEAUTIFUL here. It's actually green and with all the flowers blooming I just love it.

The end of the school year is rapidly approaching. Which means that I have tons left to do and a deadline upon me. I am the person that does all the reading assessments for the fourth grade. So that's keeping me very busy at work.

I was hoping to see on here that Jared had gotten a job, but I guess I'll just have to keep on praying. Emily--- what are you getting me for my birthday?? Trina - with your title I thought maybe Eric and Laurel had found out the gender of StephenAllison.... but then I realized it was you that was posting, and not them.

Anyway, to answer Mom's question. I remember that Mom tried all sorts of different incentive programs to get us to do chores, she even made charts so that we would switch chores each week... but none of those lasted for long. Really the times I can remember the house actually getting cleaned was when Mom and Dad would leave to go somewhere on a Saturday morning, then someone would gather everyone into one room. We'd write out some chores on slips of paper, put them in a hat, and then each draw one out.... and then we'd all get the house cleaned before Mom and Dad got home. I remember that happening on quite a few occasions. My least favorite chores are dishes and ironing. I don't mind vacuuming or doing laundry.... and cooking is okay if you're cooking for someone other than just yourself.

Have a fabulous day y'all.

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