Friday, May 27, 2005


I've gotten 4 emails on my work account just this week - they say that they're from the National Credit Union Administration and want bank account information. They look all nice and official, and the URL for the return email even looks legitimate. These emails are NOT REAL. Do NOT click on any of the links or give any information or anything. Just DELETE it. I got suspicious because first of all, if Portland Teachers wanted any information to make my account "more secure," they would have contacted me themselves. Also, PTCU isn't a federal credit union - it's a local one. There's a big difference between the state and national banking worlds and the real NCUA has nothing to do with our credit union. Looking at it a little closer, it says "Federal Credit Union holder account" rather than "account holder." So yeah. Delete delete delete! If you did get something like this and you did respond to it, call the credit union/bank IMMEDIATELY to put stops on your account or whatever is necessary to put the brakes on any identity/money theft.

Also, I just called PTCU to tell them about it - they said that they've already reported it to the proper authorities. Kinda interesting how the worker knew EXACTLY what I was talking about before I even finished my sentence.

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