Tuesday, May 03, 2005

political opinions

Here's the catch to Tawnia's suggestion of keeping political opinions to ourselves - since MY JOB is in politics, I know about lots and lots of things that Congress and President Bush are doing that you don't know. I've stayed dead quiet, to the point that you all have no idea what I do. You don't care what I do and you don't want to hear about it. Fine.

But occasionally, something comes up that really ticks me off and I want to vent (something we're supposed to be able to do in a family situation, if I remember that correctly) and I don't expect people to agree with me or express their opinion at all. I just need to vent. I've done this once before. In today's instance, I told everyone to get their passports because new rules are that you need them to get back into the US from Canada or Mexico, it takes about 6 weeks to get a passport, and you need to act quickly to get it in time to go to Canada in August. This is not opinion. This is fact. There was a little bit of venting mixed in (which Eric responded to), but the main thing was - get your passport.

And now I'd like to vent about a couple of things because I'm a bit on the defensive. First of all, I would hope that you trust me enough and don't think that I'm so stupid that I can't distinguish between "political fad" and stuff that will actually affect you. True, there are plenty of "fads" but see - in Washington DC, those fads come with real live legislation attached to them. That legislation can, and frequently does, become law and then you're in a nice little fix because no one spoke up. In my job, I don't track issues, I track bills. Second, whether or not you're a Bush fan, what I know of our family leads me to conclude that we're all fairly conservative. That would include me and Adam. For the traditional conservatives of this country, all is not well in paradise. If you think it is, then you're either fooled or not paying attention. I will leave it at that, and if anyone wants more details, you can email me.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Hey Treen,

Sorry for the knee-jerk sarcasm of my last reply to you. I agree that you can vent all you like in a family setting, I know I do. I would just suggest that you be responsible for your venting. If you get a negative reaction, don't cry foul, everyone else is entitled to their opinions too.

That said, I was thinking that you might want to start a political page here on the website. Especially if you're not particularly looking for replies. Just put up a blog or a regular old web page with your latest ideas on it. Write a column.

In a sense I'm defending the sanctity of the family blog. It's not that we've set any rules for it, but there have been unspoken limits...

But maybe I'm wrong about that. The site is for everyone, and if you want to keep posting political opinions on the main blog, no one is stopping you.

When all is said and done I am just happy to hear from you and Adam. I love you both and am glad you're part of our family.

Again, sorry for the sarcasm.
