Sunday, May 08, 2005

another school project

Instead of for 4th grade, this is for 4-year-olds:

Ben, Adam's nephew in Florida, is in a preschool that is learning geography by postcard. The request is that people send postcards to Ben so they can talk about the places in the postcard. Since our family is obviously scattered all over, I said that I would put out the call. There has been a specific request for Columbia River/Bonneville dam (the fish ladder) postcards, if they can be located. In general, they'd like major geographic landmarks (like the river), or major buildings and/or landmarks that are important and a 4-year-old would understand. Also, not a vague thing like just a city, but more specific like something IN the city (the Space Needle in Seattle for example, which Adam and I will be going to in August).

Email me if you're willing to do this and if you have any more questions, and I'll email you back the address for the Florida Caudles.

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