Tuesday, May 24, 2005

hello, slackers

What the heck - hardly any posts while we were gone! I don't recall hearing that anyone else was going on vacation ...

The highlight of our trip was being the Grand Marshal of the Magic Kingdom parade. Our friend Jill gave us bride and groom mouse ears before we went to Disney World - I had a veil on a mouse-ear headband and Adam had mouse ears on a top hat. We were in the first wave of people right when the park opened. We weren't even 100 feet past the gate when a Disney worker stopped us - he asked if we were on our honeymoon and we told him it was our first anniversary trip. He said he was looking for the happiest people in the park to be the Grand Marshal of the Magic Kingdom parade in the afternoon, and we'd be perfect. The only condition was that we wear the bride/groom hats. We were in the first car of the parade, an antique car from Walt Disney's personal collection that he drove around himself, and we went through the entire park. At the end, we were given regular mouse ears with our names on the back of them. Also, one of the official photographers had taken our picture on Main Street, and we received a free copy of that picture. We were able to watch the whole parade because it was about 5 minutes behind us after we finished. The whole thing was very, very cool.

We saw JoAnne at MGM the next day and watched the Indiana Jones stunt show with her and Teresa. We headed in different directions after that, but we did spend a good hour together. Adam and JoAnne had a lengthy conversation about computer stuff, and we're supposed to email her ... something. But we don't have her current email, so Mom, please email it to me. She's also supposed to email us a couple of pictures that she took on her digital camera, so please also remind her about that.

The general trip changed a little from our itinerary that I posted earlier. We drove down to Orlando Sat. the 14th, and stopped in Gainesville to see a family who used to be in Adam's ward in Milton. Sunday was our break. Jill's schedule had changed, so we went to Cocoa Beach and NASA on Monday (we didn't go inside NASA because it cost too much - just around the outside). Magic Kingdom on Tuesday with the parade, MGM and Epcot on Wednesday. Adam loved "Mission Space." I didn't go on it at all. Thursday morning, we did a session in the Orlando Temple, and then drove up to Milton. It was about 8 hours. We went out to breakfast with Naomi on Friday, and wandered around town for a while for some errands. Saturday, we went to Clara and Tim's wedding on the beach and I did all the pictures. It was very casual but really sweet. They had seafood and barbecue for their lunch-time reception. Good stuff. That night, we went to Star Wars with a bunch of Adam's friends, and out to dinner and bowling. Adam won. We spent Sunday after church at Nancy's house going through Adam's boxes. We left 7 boxes of books and his award plaques there, but brought 10 with us. Our poor car was rather weighted down on the return trip yesterday. We took today off to sleep in, restock our kitchen, tear the boxes apart, and other miscellaneous things.

Tomorrow, I'm back to work and Adam will start his internship with the Senate Judiciary committee on Capitol Hill.

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