Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sounds like us

Hey Emily,
your trip around Washington DC and looking for metro stations and finding different ones and then coming above ground and not knowing where you were reminded Amanda and I about our trip to Europe in a round-about way. We had lots of times where we didn't know where we were when we popped out from the underground, or we couldn't find the places that were right in front of our faces. The place that I am thinking of however is an internet cafe that used to be in one place that we were sent, and it ended up not being there anymore. Big cities have a way of sucking people in and not letting them go until the city has played a few tricks on them. But once you get used to the metro systems, I am sure that they aren't as bad. It wasn't as bad for us when we figured them out. But then again, we never completely figured anything out.

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