Wednesday, July 05, 2006


So Monday evening my brake light blinked on and then went off.... and it has continued to do that. Today I took my car in to get the oil changed. I mentioned that my brake light had been coming on and that I figured it was because the brake fluid was low.... it turns out that the fluid is leaking... so I have to take my car to the Hyundai dealer in Orem and leave it over night so that they can check it out, order a part if needed, and then fix it. And we were supposed to be hiking Timp Cave today... we pre-paid and everything. So I came home from Springville (where my oil was changed) and started calling all the friends I have with cars... to see if someone wanted to go hike Timp Cave with us. So far the best offer is to borrow one of my friends cars, just as long as I drop her off and pick her up at work. She is very kind to me. Anyway, my hope is that the car is fixed by tomorrow afternoon so that I can still go to ballet and, more importantly, drive to Oregon on Friday. If you could all please PRAY that the car is fixed and that we can then drive safely to Oregon... yeah, that would be greatly appreciated.


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