Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Family Pictures

I am currently working on our family picture, rearranging people at Mom's request, so the whole thing looks much more balanced. I think it will look very good, once I've got all the little details cleaned up, and hopefully no one will be able to tell that it was not taken that way. It has taken me all day, but at least it is looking better (which can not be said about our apartment). I work the next three days, so I will try and have the picture posted soon.

Tawnia and I drove home safely yesterday, getting in at just after midnight, since we stopped to have dinner with Uncle Gary and Aunt Marleen. It was very fun.


Anonymous said...

Wait, what? Rearranging people? Are we not pretty enough? What's wrong with remembering people the way they actually looked? Why do we have to be "rearranged"?

Mindy Sebastian said...

Because the entire picture was very lop-sided, Eric and family were seperated from everyone else ... I'm worrying more about the arrangement of the people, not their faces. If you want the original, be my guest, but I'm doing this anyway.