Monday, October 09, 2006

building a "gospel art kit"

There's a package at the Church Distribution Center called the "gospel art picture kit" with 160 pictures (8x11 size) of scriptures stories, Church history events, portraits of the prophets, etc. The pictures in it have been around for decades - they're the old ones, mostly by Arnold Friberg, that have been around at least since we were in Primary. Since there are Church artists all over the place these days who produce beautiful paintings (Greg Olson and Liz Lemon Swindle come to mind), I've decided that we're going to build our own "gospel art picture kit." Get one of those plastic accordian-type folders at Target for 2 bucks, and start filling it up. I get a temple calendar every year, so I've got a start there - I plan to mount those on cardstock and write on the back if there's anything significant to us about that particular temple (Portland and DC of course, and other family marriages in other temples).

My request is that for my birthday or Christmas, that you send me prints (one or two or as many as catch your eye) of your favorite scripture artwork or other spiritual/gospel painting. I'd like the size to be at least a 5x7 so it's big enough to have a good view in Family Home Evening or something. If you're one of the artists of the family, something you draw or paint yourself would be really cool too. Thanks all!

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