Friday, July 16, 2004

some more random drivel from me.

Mom and Dad and the girls are camping somewheres in Canadia. Tawnia has no computer access at EFY. I'm freakishly busy with conference prep and have done nothing but work since we got back from Oregon. So what's up with the bruthahs and the wives? Great news, Jared - that's awesome. We can all move past it now. Anything else, not so earth-shaking?
We had our DC open house last weekend. I didn't wear my dress, but we did have all of the pictures in an album as well as some framed, our marriage certificate, the picture of the temple that Eric and Laurel gave us, and The Proclamation on the Family. And food. We had fruits and veggies, and cheesecake! (The Jello-brand no-bake from a box kind. Yum!) We only had 30 or 40 people there, but that's what we were expecting. People just sat around and talked - it was very relaxed and comfortable. Good times ...
I'll be out of town all next week for my work conference - our first month anniversary, I'll be 2000 miles away. Doesn't THAT bite?!?!? We're going to Salt Lake, so I'm gearing up to answer a billion questions about why people can't go inside the temple. But I will get back for Adam's one-year mark of being home from his mission. That makes me laugh SO hard - on his year mark, he'll have been married for over a month. 
Love, Trina and Adam.

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