Thursday, July 01, 2004

Happy Canada Day!

Today is Canada's Independence day. I'm not sure how much of a celebration is expected, but I know that there are all sorts of sales going on. Jason still has to work, but time and a half is ALWAYS nice. I think we'll go to our friend's house and make milkshakes and then hangout in the hot tub. That will be enough celebration for all of us.

Just like everyone else, I remember going to the middle school and watching all the fireworks. It was always fun to try and find different friends in the crowd. I also remember when we were in Utah one year, and we went up on Y Mountain, and watched the fireworks from there. It was neat... you watch them, and then count 5 seconds, and then you hear them! And there were all the lights of the cities too.. pretty to see. The traffic was HORRIBLE on the way back to Eric's.. Clarissa fell asleep, but Emily and I sang really loud, with all the windows down. We even took requests from the cars next to us! I also remember celebrating Mom's birthday.. and I remember the one year there were frosting fireworks on the cake.


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