Friday, February 01, 2008

random stuff

My goals report for January and my target list for February are now on the Sisters blog, if anyone is interested.

Jared, don't let your bedtime story blog link get buried - it's only attached to your goals post! I just found it this morning, and that's a great blog. I read the whole thing. Very cute.

Tawnia, why a second bachelor's degree? Just curious ... And where are you enrolled anyway? Are you at BYU or Utah State again?

Amanda, I noticed on one of your blog posts that you were trying to get Joshua to eat pasta shells. Have you tried some of the different pasta shapes with him? I noticed with Summer that the shells slipped out of her fingers really easily, and she could hold onto the spirals a lot better. So she ate the spirals more than the shells.

Mindy, any word from BYU-I yet?

Rosemary is still growing super fast. She's now wearing an outfit at 4 months that Summer wore at 9 months. Crazy! She's finally awake and alert a lot more, and has a grip like nobody's business. She grips onto the rings on her toy bars (on the bouncer and the playmat), and gets a big fistful of my shirt when I'm feeding her.

Summer's vocabulary is growing as fast as Rosemary is. I can no longer rattle off a list of all the words she can say, and she's picking up at least 2 or 3 new words per day, maybe more. In just the last week or so, she started repeating things that people say - usually the last word of your sentence. She's never parroted anything before - this is a new thing.

She can say all the names of her Palmer aunts - Tawna, Emmy, Minny, and Cassa. She can mostly say who is who, but sometimes gets them mixed up. She can clearly say Summer (instead of "Ah-zuh" which is almost sad because that was so cute), and Mommy and Daddy. She won't even try Rosemary. It's just Baby. She's doing better with her cousins - Joshua is now a pretty clear "Joshy." Every baby girl we see besides Rosemary is Allie. And Grandma and Grandpa, for some odd reason, are "Park." Every picture she looks at of them, she says "Park." Don't ask me, I don't get it either.

1 comment:

Frank and Evelyn said...

She must know that when we come to visit we'll take her to the park. Pretty smart girl if you ask me.