Thursday, February 21, 2008

Letters to Clarissa

Okay, so I had an idea this morning that I think would be a fun way for writing letters to Clarissa. What if one person started an idea for a letter such as Favorite story from the Book of Mormon. They wrote theirs and then sent it to the next person younger than them (ie I would send mine to Emily), that person would then add their favorite and send it to the next younger person. This would keep going until it got back to me and I would print it and send it to Clarissa. So Clarissa wouldn't be in the chain, it would go from Mindy to Dad and then Mom. Other ideas could be "A Time You Stood Up for What is right" or "favorite scripture about missionary work" or "A spiritual experience you have had with prayer." I think that everyone in a family who could answer the question should (so that includes in-laws and even nieces and nephews who are capable.) Oh, another idea "favorite primary song." I just think that this would make for a fun thing for Clarissa to read and then hopefully she would respond by sending it to everyone. ... oh and along with printing it and sending it to Clarissa... that person should be responsible for either sending that e-mail to everyone else in the family OR just posting it on here. Tell me if you like the idea ASAP because I want to get one started. Oh, and I think these should only take a week to get around the family so that Clarissa can get one from someone each week... if possible.


1 comment:

Emily said...

Sounds like a good idea to me. Clarissa would like it, I think.