Thursday, February 07, 2008

About an exam

This morning I found out about the senior examination for all graduating history majors. We have a list of six questions. We choose four, one of which will be on the exam (our choice) and one of the other three will be drawn. So I must research historiography, soft power, revolutions, and major turning points in history. (The other choices were on women and biography.) I'm debating between choosing the soft power essay (because I'll be reading Ghandi's autobiography and I've taken a class on diplomatic history) and the one on major turning points (which might include the French Revolution and the World Wars, and I studied these events in my nationalism and history of warfare classes). I'll have to look at my old essays and notes.

1 comment:

Skippy said...

Good luck with your exam. Did you know anyone named Sean Dahlin at SVU? He married a girl named Shauna that also went there. I don't know her maiden name though.