Wednesday, September 13, 2006

stay at home status

To get this out of the way right at first - after almost 2 weeks, no, I don't miss work. I don't even think about it.

Well, it's taking a lot longer to do my "I'm staying home now" projects than I had figured. But my epiphany this past Sunday was "Who cares about the projects. You're staying home to be a mommy and raise Summer. The projects will get done eventually." So there you go. I'm of course going to keep working on things and set deadlines, but if I don't meet the deadlines, I'm not going to get bent out of shape.

Summer rolled all the way over from her back to her front on Monday - for the last couple of weeks, she was able to make it most of the way over with her torso and hips, but her shoulder would get stuck. Now she's made it through - she still gets stuck sometimes and starts yelling, but most of the time she can make it all the way over. She also does some kind of weird rotation when she's lying on her back - she'll stay on her back, but pivot to a 45-90 degree angle from where she started. Once she's on her stomach, she's doing better at getting her head up but still doesn't last very long. The last couple of days, I've gotten down on the floor with her and put toys out in front of her to get her to reach for them. Friday is her 4-month checkup (and shots), and I'm going to talk to the doctor about starting her on solid food.

An extra thing to throw into the mix is it looks like my visiting teaching partner is going to pay me to clean her apartment regularly. We had a Relief Society thing on Saturday, and Beth said something about paying me to do her errands for her during the week. (We were talking about her lawn mower, because Adam usually takes care of it for her.) A couple of people looked genuinely interested ... which I think is a little funny, but totally makes sense. In this city, it's very common to work 12-hour days, plus the commute, and the only time you can do any errands is on Saturday - but you don't feel like it because you're tired but you have to. Anyway, after that conversation, my visiting teaching partner (who is new in the ward and I've just barely met her) asked if I'd really clean her apartment for her - she used a housekeeping service in New York, and wants someone here too. Oooookay ... so I'm headed over there Friday or Monday morning. What the heck. It's a little bit more money for just a couple of hours every week or 2, and I can take Summer with me.

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