Monday, September 04, 2006


Well, my life has been pretty busy the last few weeks... and when I'm not busy at school, I'm at home without any internet access. So that's my excuse for not posting.

School has been in session for two weeks now. I have 25 students this year. 16 girls and 9 boys. They are good kids, probably even better behaved then I had last year. It is nice to see my kids from last year though, they always get really excited to see me... even though they usually see me at least once a day.

I took the low level of kids for math, so my math class is moving pretty slow... even though we're full. I have a lot of extra help during math and it's really nice. We also have at least 40 minutes of prep everyday. I like that a lot. I am able to actually get out of work at a decent time if I actually utilize my prep well.

Oh, and they made me the "team leader" for the year. Which is silly, since one of the other teachers has years and years of experience on me. But the administration decided that they wanted to rotate who was the team leader each year... so it's my turn. Yippee (said quite sarcastically.)

Outside of school I am still taking tap and ballet with Mindy. It is a good stress reliever. I am also trying to stay social within my new ward and old ward. This week I actually felt much more part of the new ward then I ever had before. It was nice.

Anyway, I came to the school (on a holiday even) in order to post a very important question.

I was asked to teach the relief society lesson in two weeks. And the lesson just happens to be on my favorite topic, ha ha, not really. The lesson is from the Wilford Woodruff manual. It's on Marriage and Parenthood. So here is my question for all of you people who are actually married. What experience (or experiences) most prepared you for marriage? And what most prepared you for parenthood? I may call and get more specifics from people, but there are the basic questions. Sorry, my single sisters, it doesn't really apply to you.

I hope you're all doing well. I am, I'm just to busy to let you know that. I do love you all and I'm looking forward to coming home at Christmas. I fly home on Dec. 23rd.


1 comment:

Adam said...


This never made much sense to me until after the fact, but my mission was probably the best preparatory experience that I had.