Saturday, May 03, 2008


So my finals are done and I'm taking a break for the summer. It is really nice actually. I didn't realize how stressed out I was until the stress was gone. I was practically giddy with joy yesterday.

For the next few weeks I will be continuing to work at the school (school is out on May 22nd), tutoring my friend's son, and I'll also start training for my summer job. I'm working for an internet based company that sells wheat grass kits and other health food stuff. It is based here in Springville and partly owned by a girl in my ward. It should be a good summer job. Then next fall I'll be back to full time at Meridian, hopefully. They are having some financial issues and have to have $293 thousand donated by May 8th. If not, the school will close its doors. That would be very sad. But we have over 200 thousand at this point, so I think we might actually make it. Anyway, if I am full time it will include teaching science to the Kindergarten through 6th grades (I was just K-4 this year) and also doing library for K-6 once a week, and helping TA in several classes. It should be interesting... and I'll also be in school full time again in the fall (but just for one semester.) So I will be under all sorts of stress again in the fall. I want to enjoy the summer since it will be less stress time.

And that's basically what I'm up too.
The End

1 comment:

Eric said...

I just sent a congrats comment to Emily, so here's one for you too Tawnia - good luck on your educational adventures. Have a rad summer.