Friday, May 16, 2008

Eric Update

Hi all. I've feelin' the guilt, especially with Trina's gentle reminder to post. I've been busy, but then again, I have the time to READ the blogs so...

Anyway, Monterey is treating us well. Be sure to check out the pics if you haven't already, and on our YouTube page there's a tour of the house. I should remake it though, since Laurel's made quite a few changes to the decor since then. She's painted the bathroom, moved furniture... she likes to do that stuff. No, it's not done. It's never done.

Work is busy and a little bit stressful, but I'm doing well I think. I have a lot of work ahead of me this summer. It should be fun. We're hoping to at least get a few weekends away over the next few months. Down to LA and over to Idaho. Oregon... probably not until Christmas, but I'd like to go up sooner.

The weather was hot yesterday (for here). Up to 85. It's supposed to be 80 today. I think it's a little warmer over here than downtown though, so maybe even warmer. But it's not bad. The average daily temp stays between 60 and 70 all year. Crazy huh? and the nighttime temps between 40 and 50. It's nuts. And nice. Almost nobody has air conditioning.

Well, I love you all. I feel like I'm just rambling, but I felt the need to post and let you know what's up.

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