Saturday, May 03, 2008

Don't be shocked

It really is me. I know I haven't written for a VERY long time but I had to write today and congratulate Emily on her graduation. What a wonderful accomplishment. Yet another college graduate in the family. And congratulations to Joshua on those first steps - keep practicing.

I have now announced to all of you (except Clarissa and I'll email her tomorrow) that I am retired. I feel a load lifted off of me. I still have to fill out the paperwork in order to receive my money but they are mailing that out. I went by work the other day and collected a few of my own things. They said if they found anything else they would let me know.

I'm not thrilled about going back into the hospital for my monthly visit but I'm hoping that they'll be able to find the cause of my problems so they can cure it, or at least treat it. Remember me in your prayers on Monday and Tuesday when they're doing the biopsies.

I'm going to go make dinner now because Nate and Amanda are coming soon. (Maybe Joshy will walk for me.) I love you all and I'll try to do better about posting on here.

Love ya,

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