Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Michelle's post

I made a few phone calls yesterday, but I have so many family members. I, instead, am posting. Yesterday I had an ultrasound. My baby was very active and looking healthy to me. Of course, to get the results I will need to wait and talk to the doctor. I feel confident that the baby is perfectly healthy. The ultrasound tech told me the baby is a girl, not that it makes any difference at all to us. Fun to know any way. She will be loved, of course.

I am about 4 months along in my pregnancy. I am feeling just fine. I am not very big yet. Perhaps, I need a shirt that reads "I am not fat. I pregnant."

Brooke and Bryan are great. Finishing 2nd grade and kindergarten respectfully. I am very proud. Saturday was their last soccer games. They had a lot of fun playing.

I am still the activity girls leader for the 10-11 year olds. I really like my calling. Well, I need to go for now.

1 comment:

Frank and Evelyn said...


We are all very excited for you and your new little girl.