Wednesday, May 21, 2008

question for Mom

I'm doing advance menu planning which is leading into when you and Dad will be out here. Obviously you have more restricted food guidelines than we do, so what is the ideal grocery list for when you come? We'll go from there on figuring out what to do with it. And please be specific - "vegetables" or "no dessert" doesn't cut it. I already know that. I also want to know what you LIKE to eat, since if I remember correctly, you're not a big fan of bell peppers and we eat them in darn near everything including plain as a snack.

I know this is really weird that I'm doing menu planning, but right now, the hardest thing about cooking is figuring out what to make in the first place. This is to eliminate the thinking part of meals.


Mandapanda said...

Trina, I don't think it's weird at all - i've been trying to do menu planning for pretty much the first time ever and it is a huge help. I agree that the hardest thing is knowing what to make. The second hardest thing for me is that I don't know how to make a lot. But when I really think about it, there are a lot of things that I do know how to make, or "prepare" I suppose, since some of it involves boxes, just adding water, or just heating up in the oven. But anyway - menu planning helps me actually USE the food we have and buy the food we NEED!

Frank and Evelyn said...

I'm supposed to watch the cholesterol and the salt, as well as the sugar so keep that in mind. I can't eat things that are real greasy, either. I like most vegetables, pasta, meat and potatoes. I like Chinese, mild Mexican and Italian foods. I don't care for melons of any kind but I like most other fruits. Fruit salad with Cool Whip is always good. If you need more info call me.

treen said...

Salt and sugar, I can take care of. But cholesterol? I have no idea what to look for in ingredients to watch for that. We're anti-greasy food as well, except rarely a fat burger. We eat a lot of pasta salad during the hot weather.

Manda, do a recipe challenge and you will learn to cook - guaranteed. If I can do it, ANYONE can. Now we never eat anything out of a box, not even pasta sauce. We can barely even eat out anymore because that's all over-salted and too greasy and everything else, so we save a ton of money there too. Let me know if you want any advice for that and I'll probably be linking to recipes on the Sisters Blog soon too.