Monday, May 03, 2004

Tawnia Update

Howdy everybody --
Well, I figured it was about time you got an update on my life since a lot has been going on. First of all I took the CBEST (California Basic Educational Skills Test) a few weeks ago and just found out my "unofficial score" I passed! Yippee. I wasn't to worried about that. I actually did pretty well. The highest you can get in each section is 80 and I got a 77 in Reading and a 69 in Math. I'm not sure what my writing score was yet... but I think I did okay in that also.

In other news I also got accepted to work as an EFY counselor for this summer. I'm not sure of my schedule yet (I can't get it until my paperwork is processed), but I'm pretty sure it will be just for a week or two. I'm excited though, it will be great fun.

Yesterday I got a new RS Presidency. Yes, I'm still president, but I got new counselors and a new secretary. I don't think I'll be released until I move in August. (I wasn't actually there when the new people got called because I've had this AWFUL flu since Saturday and I am STILL sick... it really stinks.)

Oh, and if you hadn't heard I am planning on moving to Provo in August. Yes, Provo. I know, the place I NEVER wanted to move too, and still don't really except that I really feel that's what I'm supposed to do and it helps that I'll have several good friends down there. So I'm going.

And that's an update on me. Any questions?? I'll be sure to let you know more as I know more!


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