Sunday, May 23, 2004


You're right, Jared, we all need to do more about keeping each other updated. I, of course, have been very busy with wedding things.

Dad and I went shopping last night and I got two new dresses. After I got home I discovered that the one I thought went with Trina's bridesmaid dresses doesn't. But the good news is that the other one does. So I'll probably just wear the same dress for both weddings. The real challenge will be keeping it clean - it's off white.

I made a long list of things that still need to be done for the weddings and it's great to be able to cross some of them off. The only problem is that yesterday I crossed 3 items off and added three more. At least the list didn't get any longer.

I'm very excited and trying not to feel overwhelmed by all the plans and everything. It's a good thing your dad is so organized or I would be a real basket case.

I love each one of you,

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