Monday, September 29, 2008


Tawnia was in the choir that sang for the Relief Society broadcast? Really?


Mandapanda said...

That's what I thought she meant at first, too, but I think she just meant that Tawnia was in the during the song when they showed the crowd. Were you there Tawnia? That would have been awesome - I really enjoyed the session too!!

tawngap said...

I was not in the choir. I was in the crowd. My ward was given tickets to attend. I was probably not seen even when they showed the crowd because I was up on the top balcony in the middle. It was an amazing meeting.

treen said...

Okay, cool. Yeah, Clarissa's comment made me think you were in the choir, which isn't difficult for me to conclude because 1. you've been in the choir before, and 2. our sound was out when they announced where the choir was from.

Anyway, that's great that you were there! I want to take Summer and Marnie to the YW session in the spring when they're old enough.