Friday, September 19, 2008

conference day

Last summer (a year ago), Adam did his internship working on a case about the terrorist detainees at Guantanamo Bay. He decided at the end of the summer that he wanted to put together a conference at school to discuss a number of legal and constitutional issues about how to handle the cases, where the criminal justice arena factors in (because it's separate from military/war action), and all kinds of stuff that I don't understand and couldn't explain even if I did.

He got 3 other students to help him, and they decided what they wanted the panels to focus on, got all the sponsors to help fund it, all the speakers, arranged everything with the school's events office, you name it. The other day, the events office (which is handling the registration) sent him the list of organizations in the city who are sending people to attend - Joe Biden's office, the Dept of Defense, Dept of Transportation, Dept of Justice, and on and on it goes ... I think the number of people registered to attend was over 200. And he got great speakers for his panels - professors and other people have asked him how he got such great speakers. Well, he got suggestions from professors and then just emailed and asked them. And they said yes.

Today is the big day. He just left for campus and he seemed pretty nervous. Extra prayers for Adam this morning, please!

I'm going over to the school for the afternoon panel. Not that I'll understand a word, but to be there for moral support. I'll take one of my journals to write in. My friend Jackie and I are doing a babysitting swap today - I've got her kids all morning so she can volunteer at the stake clothing exchange, and then she's taking our kids for the afternoon so I can go be with Adam and then we'll go out to dinner.


Skippy said...

That's pretty cool that Adam got all that together and he is seeing the fruits of his labor today. I hope it all goes well. Is Jackie's husband nervous about the stake clothing exchange like Adam is nervous about the panel?

Frank and Evelyn said...

Wow! That will be something to put on his resume. I'm sure it will bring some interesting things to light. Is the press covering it?