Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Prayers for Joshy

Hi everyone,
I'm going to post this on my blog, too, but I just wanted to ask for prayers for Joshua tomorrow morning when he goes in for his surgery. He's got a cold and is kind of congested, so they may reschedule if the anesthesiologist is concerned about that, but otherwise it is a go. We have to be there at 7:30, the surgery is scheduled for 8:30, and it will go probably about 2 hours. It sounds like recovery will be pretty easy unless something unexpected happens, but you never know exactly how a little critter will respond to surgery and everything, so all prayers are appreciated.

Love you all!


Anonymous said...

Um... did I miss something here?

Mandapanda said...

He has an undescended testicle that they're doing surgery to put in the right place.