Wednesday, September 10, 2008

the inner circle

It isn't that I don't have anything to say right now, it's just a matter of finding the time to type it all out! I'm currently between classes, and don't have any major homework due right away, so thought that now might be a good time to post. I just have to say I love having a laptop, and I love wireless internet.

So, last week I spent a few days up in Canada. I drove for 12 hours on Monday, then set up a few things around Rexburg on Tuesday, followed by another 10 hours in the car on Wednesday. Spending the time with Aaron was fabulous, and look forward to doing it again. We surprised his Mom, with my coming - everyone else in his family knew except her. She was very happy to see me, and is very happy with the relationship between Aaron and I. She says I'm a good influence on him. So anyway, he was baptized on Saturday evening, and confirmed during Sacrament meeting on Sunday. His friend Mikey confirmed him, and it was an amazing blessing. I really think Aaron can go far in this church. I already know he prays several times a day, and has been reading his scriptures on the bus to and from school. He's excied to interact with the missionaries, and even got the Aaronic priesthood the same day he was confirmed. Lots of good things in his life right now.

Elder Basinger, Me, Aaron, Elder Berret

I drove back Sunday afternoon/evening, and arrived in Rexburg around 11:15pm. Good thing I dropped my early morning class, so I could sleep in a little. It was THEN that I added another class (to bring me up to 15.5 credits), so I really do have to get up early most days of the week. I'm officially taking: Introduction to Graphic Design (and we're already starting out first project, woohoo!), Design and Color, Art History, Art Seminar (meets all of five times during the semester), Social Dance (which focuses as much on the social as it does the dance), along with two religion classes - Old Testament and Doctrines of the Gospel. When I type it all out that way it seems like a lot, but I'm hoping I'll be able to manage it all right. At least my religion classes are on different days, and my major art classes (the first two) are also on different days. Here's hoping that I can stay afloat and not be overhwlemed. This is my first time being a student in a classroom in over five years, so it'll take a little while to get used to it again.

The good news is that my roommates are all relatively normal. Megan is never there, but she's moving out in a few weeks anyway. She's kinda holding the spot for another girl, that we've never met. The other two, Meeshell and Courtney are fun. I'm not home a whole lot, but it's nice to be able to come home to welcoming people. I'll probably be home even less during the semester, since it looks like Payless is interested in transfering me. I will mostly likely have to take a pay cut (since I'm not assistant manager anymore, and the minimum wage is lower here), but that was to be expected. Anyway, I'll find out all those details on Friday, after I'm done with classes for the week.

I'm safe, I'm well, and trying to make sure I get enough food and sleep. I have a horrible sore throat and it hurts to swallow (so meals take a while), but I'll survive. Remind me to post more often, and I'll try and keep you updated on what's going on with me (since it is more interesting that it used to be!).

1 comment:

treen said...

Wow - Aaron's a lot taller than I realized. Tell us more about him - interests, goals, etc. Well, at least tell us on the sisters blog about him.

Good luck with school!!!