Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Haven't blogged in quite some time.

This is Michelle, not Jared. I couldn't remember my login and password, so I borrowed Jared's. I didn't think he would mind. I thought it would be nice to let ya'll now how things are going. I am about 8 month pregnant now. The baby is due October 30. I feel fabulous. I have swelling ankles and trouble getting comfortable for sleeping, but that it very normal. The doctor says the baby looks great. What more could I ask for? I am really, really excited about the baby. I can't wait to hold her.

I am still one of the activities days leaders for 10 and 11 year old girls. I really love the girls. They are very talented and sweet girls. This year I will be the home room mom for Brooke's 3rd grade class. I think that will be lots of fun. Perhaps, I will get one of those baby front carriers and just have a baby strapped to me during the parties. Brooke and Bryan are doing great. They really like school and are learning lots. Brooke is still a brownie scout and we are thinking about signing Bryan up to be a tiger scout.

The kids' school canceled classes for 6 days. They returned yesterday. I think they are happy to be back, even if they don't admit it (which they don't). I guess things are beginning to return to normal for us. There are plenty of my friends and neighbors still without power and still others with damaged homes. My prayers are with them. I hope to find all of you doing well.


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