Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Why the Dishes Never Get Done, Chapter 37

Summer and Rosemary run a great tag-team on me with their naps. Rosemary sleeps all morning while Summer plays and gets into trouble. The minute Summer goes down for her nap in the early afternoon - the time varies, but still, the minute Summer goes down for her nap, Rosemary wakes up and wants to eat for the entire 2 hours. When Summer gets up, Rosemary goes back to sleep until after dinner, while Summer is particularly destructive and difficult to keep occupied. The only time they're both awake is in the evening. It's almost like they planned this ahead of time, it's so dead on. So much for studying during Summer's nap, because there's no putting on the headphones while she's up and running around unless there is someone else here to supervise. (Not that I got much studying done while Mindy was here anyway ... somehow that just didn't happen the way I had pictured it.)

So if anyone has suggestions on how to get Summer and Rosemary to sleep AT THE SAME TIME, I would appreciate it. And yes, I already know the whole thing about "wake up the baby when you want her to be awake, and then she'll be tired when you're ready for her to sleep." Doesn't work very well with these 2. If they don't want to wake up, they won't. It can sometimes take almost an hour to wake up Summer from her nap, and I fought Rosemary about waking up to eat for the first 2 weeks. She's doing better about eating, and now I'd like her to get onto a better schedule for sleeping.

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