Sunday, November 25, 2007

Stevie's Words, and the cat

Hi all, just thought I'd let you know that a couple of new Stevie videos have been posted (and there's some Allie in there as well). I'll be putting up new pictures soon. If I don't get it done this week just call in the evening and bug me about it. I have made new goals about getting things done, so feel free to support me in that.

We just wrapped up a nice visit with Sarah, Amber, and a boy (gasp!) that Amber seems to have taken a shine to. Also, Anthon and Julie (his wife) came over. We had a good time. Well, I did anyway. I shouldn't speak for anyone else.

We've had a nice week here in Rexburg, Idaho. We pretty much just stuck to the house and the family. I got a lot of reading done, and did a lot of playing with Stevie. Laurel's family enjoyed the kids. Stevie really took to everyone. He's such a loving guy. Laurel's mom had a special time with Allie, and today in church Stevie was finally good when he sat on his grandpa's lap.

Tomorrow we're travelling home. We should be back by the evening. We're driving to Utah in the late morning/afternoon, then it's a quick flight to home. We'll probably spend more time waiting in the airport than in the air. I'm not really looking forward to being back at work, but I'm not dreading it either.

We had a good Thanksgiving. I am thankful for so much this year. I have a wonderful wife and we have a beautiful pair of children, the gospel, health, and everything we need. I'm also thankful for each of you and the relationships we have and will continue to develop. I'm so excited for all the wonderful things you have going on in your lives... Clarissa going to the temple and on her mission soon, Emily wrapping up her undergrad degree, Tawnia back in school, Nathan and Amanda and Jared and Michelle and Trina and Adam and let's not forget Mindy and Dad and Mom. (breath) All doing great things and continuing to be just great people. I love you all.

1 comment:

Frank and Evelyn said...

Thanks for the cute videos. They sure make me miss my Stevie boy and cute little Allison, though. I hope you are able to move to Oregon soon.

Love ya,