Monday, November 05, 2007

good night Summer

Summer doesn't like going to sleep at night. She'll stand up in her crib and scream if she's alone, especially if she doesn't have a bottle. So someone will take her out and sing to her for a while. If she doesn't fall asleep, you have to try again, because she just won't cry herself to sleep. It can get frustrating, but it's just what has to be done. Last night I set her in the crib, to let her know that it was time for bed. She screamed, and held her arms out for me to hold her. So I took her in my arms, and sat down in the rocking chair, with her head on my shoulder. I wasn't in the mood to sing, and I noticed the Book of Mormon on the shelf. So I picked it up and started reading, first Nephi, chapter one. She was asleep before I got to chapter two.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
