Tuesday, September 18, 2007

updated pictures

So, Clarissa, Mindy tells us on the sisters blog that you have news. So what's the deal?

Mindy The Great has also updated Summer's month-to-month pictures, adding 4 more shots (13, 14, 15, 16 months). Summer is growing like a weed. I have a couple of other new pages of pictures to add, but I need to figure out the specific pictures. I'm planning on getting that to Mindy in the next week or so, so that they'll hopefully be up by the end of the month. And when Mindy comes out here in November to help with the girls, she will show me how to do this stuff so that I can put the pictures up myself. (Imagine that! And it's one of my top 100 things - learn how to post pictures on the webpage.)

Rosemary is also growing like a weed. I'm going to the doctor every 2 weeks now, and in the last 2-week stretch, my stomach measured 4 inches larger. I expect a similar change at my next appointment (which is next Monday), and then I think I start going for checks every week. She's been getting up into my ribcage over the past week or so, which has definitely been the most painful part of this pregnancy. Lots of hassles with my hip joints and sciatic nerve and the like, which makes it rather difficult to move at all, but the ribcage thing hurts worse. It's either her head or her rear end, rather than her legs pushing up there.

Any other comments on the Christmas gift exchange ideas? Mom and Dad, what do YOU think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for new pics! I told you about the other day when Brooke and I were looking at Mindy's drawings... she saw the one of Summer and said, "That's not Summer." So I took her to your monthly pics and she was very amazed at how big Summer's gotten. We then did the same thing with Stevie.