Saturday, September 29, 2007


So I just finished making cake mix cookies to take to Break the Fast tomorrow. I made one batch using devil's food with m'n'm's in them and one using funfinity with coconut in them. Good stuff!

Today was interesting. It was really overcast all day which was reminding me of a good old Oregon fall day... and then it started snowing. Not so Oregon like. When I left the RS Broadcast my friend Tiffany noted that it didn't smell like fall, it smelled like Christmas. So now I'm in the mood for Christmas music and all that Christmasy stuff. Speaking of Christmas, are we doing an exchange or not??

I am doing well in my classes. I got a 93% on of the tests I took on Friday. I'm not sure what I got on the other one. They were both on the computer but one had fill in the blanks, so the teacher (or more likely his TA) has to go in and manually correct each test. I took a different test earlier last week and got 100% on it. So I would say I'm doing well. I'm trying to stay caught up or ahead in everything, especially because once the week gets going I don't have a whole lot of time to spend on school.

I have been getting up at 6 a.m. and going walking on Mon, Wed, and Fridays. It has been a bit cold, but was actually a little warmer this last Friday. I'm not sure what Monday will be like (what with the snow and all). It is a nice start to my day. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I tutor at 7:20 in the morning, so I get up and get ready for the day at 6 am instead of going walking.

So yeah, Work, school, tutoring, walking, dancing, FHE, Institute, Choir, and Church are keeping me busy! And out of trouble.


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