Thursday, September 13, 2007

another Christmas question

To answer Jared's question first ... we will be spending the holidays here in DC, as usual. Adam's sister Naomi and her family are coming up from Georgia for Thanksgiving. Adam is already planning to spend a lot of Christmas break at the library (also as usual) getting ready for moot court in February - he'll be in one of the top national competitions. I think the first one is regional, and if he places, he would compete at national in March or April. (Or something like that. Adam, feel free to correct me.) Anyway ... I also expect we'll go up to Baltimore once or twice to visit our friends there. Those are the plans so far.

My question is: does anyone want to do a gift exchange with the siblings? We could have some kind of theme, like something unique to the state you live in (since most of us live in different states), or your favorite children's book, or whatever. I think it would be cool to see what other people come up with, and it would be nice to be part of a larger family Christmas even though no one has any money right now and we'll all be in different places. It would one gift per couple for those of us who are married, and everyone could do what they want for Mom and Dad. Or Mom and Dad could participate in the exchange too - their choice.

Also, for those of us with kids - do you want to do a gift exchange among the cousins? I know they're mostly babies, but I still think it would be cute to do. Same logic behind it - be part of a larger family Christmas, and hopefully our kids will grow up with more awareness of their cousins even with the distance.

Other than that, all is normal around here. Adam is gone long hours at school, because he has evening classes 3 days a week but is still on campus studying in the library all day. Summer and I hang out at home or go to the park. Park time is starting to get cut because I'm having a harder time keeping up with her, and our park is not fenced in. Yes, she likes to take off running away from the playground in various directions, laughing the whole time. Baby prep currently involves going through clothes, and sorting them by size and season. I'm feeling okay for the most part - just generally starting to be more tired. Right when Summer's energy level is going up ... nice timing ...


Anonymous said...

My question is: does anyone want to do a gift exchange with the siblings? We could do some kind of theme to it, like something unique to the state you live in (since most of us live in different states), or your favorite children's book, or whatever.

Hmmm... I like the idea of a theme, but I'm not jiving with the state theme or the children's books - half of us don't have children. My thought is perhaps an inspirational theme, like maybe a book or poster or piece of music that you find particularly inspiring. There's my two cents, for what it's worth.

tawngap said...

Hmmm... I like Jared's idea, though I wouldn't be opposed to giving my favorite children's book. (Even though I don't have children, I still have a favorite children's book. And it's not from when I was a child.) Anyway, I was just going to comment to Jared that one thing I would really like from him is a recording, video or just audio of Bryan laughing. When I heard it over the phone the other day it just absolutely cracked me up!

I'm trying to think of some other ideas for a theme... maybe something to do with your favorite family Christmas tradition. That's the only good one I can think of at this point in time.

treen said...

I like your idea of an inspirational theme, Jared. Sounds good! Comments from anyone else?

What if we do the book idea for the kids? You didn't comment on that part of a gift exchange. It's cheap, and easy to mail because it can be wrapped and put in a padded envelope (as opposed to a box for most other gifts).