Thursday, November 23, 2006


Happy Thanksgiving everybody.

Hey, I like your pictures Jared. We've recently discovered and enjoyed the updates. They're funny and cute. And awesome.

This morning I played in our ward turkey bowl while Laurel headed over to Gary and Karen's to help with the food. It was a small gathering this year. Theresa, Ray and the kids were there, but that was it. Jackie's really sick from the chemotherapy, but Jeff and Jackie are both optomistic.

The dinner was delicious. Stevie was the star of the neighborhood when Sadie and Maddie pushed him down the street in a stroller.

We took a nap at home and now Laurel's watching "Deal or No Deal" and reading to Stevie during the commercials. He's the sweetest guy. I'm going to try to get her to play a game with me, like Scrabble or something like that. We'll see how I do.

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