Friday, November 17, 2006

back from Utah

Well, Summer and I had a very nice visit with Tawnia and Mindy in Utah. We did a session in the Jordan River Temple (my friend Alisha babysat Summer) and got our hair cut (but not Summer - her's isn't long enough yet) and played games and watched movies and Summer and I visited them at the school a couple of times. We met all of Tawnia's class and they sang the Utah State Song for us, which, to be perfectly blunt, was more than a little scary. The "hooray for Utah, the Promised Land" promotion was rather extreme. It explains a lot into the Utah Mormon stereotype of the "Utah is the best and every other place in the world is the Mission Field" mentality, since this is what they're taught this they're children. Anyway, it was a great visit with Tawnia and Mindy. I wish we could visit more often and/or more easily.

And now we're back and getting ready for the holidays. I need to get cracking on all the family Christmas gifts. I'm making the same thing for every family and I'm still in the beginning stages of the project. I need to get at least the first one done by next week to send to Adam's brother Joe in Iraq. His wife told us that the box has to be out by Dec. 1 for him to get it in time. I'm very excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year because I do NOT have to deal with a work conference in the middle of the holidays. Yay!! I can BAKE this year!! I'm in charge of all things Christmas for the moment, because Adam got his schedule for his finals. His last one is on Fri. Dec. 15 in the afternoon, and we'll have our Christmas party that night. I want to do a cookie exchange with some friends, and maybe go Christmas caroling. I haven't ever gone caroling out here in DC.

I'm still working on my medical transcription studying, and I just started working part time for our bishop's wife. It's grocery shopping and cooking dinner a couple of days a week. Yes indeed, at long last, I am finally learning how to cook. And I'm not doing too bad at it either - just ask Adam. I also clean house for another lady in the ward every other week. So it's a little bit more money flowing through the system, which is good since Financial Aid is STILL yanking us around on student loans. I won't get into all that because I could go for DAYS, but I am seriously ready to grab someone by the throat over there. It's the week before FINALS of the first semester and they STILL don't have it figured out. We already know we're screwed for January because classes don't start until the 8th ... and that's IF we get the 2nd semester check on time ... because that could get dragged into February or March.

And now that I've worked myself into a ticked off mood ... I'm going to go study because SOMEBODY has to make some money around here because the &%^$#$& school sure isn't going to help.


Anonymous said...

Wait a sec, I didn't know Adam was going to DeVry. Surely there can't be more than one school in the world where the finacial aid staff has trouble counting to two.

Eric said...

Hey Treen! It was nice talking to you this weekend.

On the Utah state song, I don't think that really has much to do with the attitude you describe. I mean, how well do you remember the Oregon state song from fourth grade? Most states have a state song that says nice things about them.

I think the Zion vs. mission field paradigm comes more from the fact that for the first few generations of the church the focus was on gathering and retrenching the church. That's not a bad thing. It's a fulfilment of prophecy.

And this attitude is changing. I've never heard a Utahan under 50 use the term "mission field" to describe somewhere outside of Utah. A large number of "Utah Mormons" have served missions, attended school, or lived and worked outside of Utah. They're well aware of what's going on.

For more on that topic, see Elder Holland's talk at the last conference.