Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hello all!! Happy Thanksgiving!! We definitely have a lot to be grateful for this year ...

- Summer and that everything went well with her birth (yes, it took a heck of a long time, but there were no complications at all).
- of all the things we've needed to acquire and cram our apartment with for Summer, we've gotten most of it for FREE, or used for a very low cost, or someone gave us the money for it. The only things we paid full price for (and we got them inexpensive) were the rocking chair and the crib mattress.
- that we were able to travel out to the Northwest for the family reunions and have our entire family be together for the first time in 6 years.
- all the big and little things that have added up financially since we both quit our jobs (Adam's $5000 bonus when he quit the Senate, all the little jobs that have come up for me in the past couple of months, etc.).
- the opportunities that have opened up for Adam at school since starting in August, particularly with the Federalist Society (for example, an invitation to attend a debate by Alito and Breyer from the Supreme Court in a couple of weeks).

We hope everyone has a great day, and we'll talk to you sometime this weekend!!

(And hooray!! It's the first day of Christmas!! That's also one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving.)

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