Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hello, family

Well, this week is rather hectic. But today, class was rather easy. For one thing, I only had one class today -- German. And we spent the whole time singing. It was rather fun. In other news, I'll be playing in the Quiz Bowl tournament on Saturday. My first tournament.

And I'm about halfway done with my Am Civ paper. It's due on the fifteenth, which is the same day I have to turn in a report to my astronomy class and take an astronomy test. So I suggested to my roommate that we go out to eat next Wednesday. I think I'll need a break. And I still have a week after that to finish my performing arts paper, and thankfully my Civil War paper is now due after Thanksgiving break. But I still need to have it pretty well written before that. I am very much looking forward to Thanksgiving and seeing Trina and Adam and Summer.

If I survive that long, that is.

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