Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Happy Tuesday Towel Day!!

Today is our first Tuesday Towel Day. We are now going to change our towels being used every Tuesday, because Tuesday is Towel Day. I hope that everyone will celebrate with us. I also hope that everyone is traveling safely. We have had some snow here and there have been several accidents on the news and I don't want to see anyone from my family in that situation. So, take your time.

Mindy, I do not have a response to your questions because when I think of feminism I think of girls with short hair, hairy legs and pits, and not wearing bras. I don't really think that is accurate, but unfortunately I think those thoughts when I hear the word feminism. I think that feminism is taking a direction of helping other oppressed groups such as minorities. Amanda has given me some insight on more about feminist goals, but I don't remember what they are. I really don't want to make you ladies mad, but growing up when I did in McMinnville that was the type of feminism that I saw.


1 comment:

Mindy Sebastian said...

Actually, Nathan, that's the exact sort of response I'm wanting. And before I took this class, that's the first thing that came to my mind too.