Tuesday, November 28, 2006



I would say that feminism today suffers from a split personality. You have the old guard and their close descendants who run NARAL, Emily's List and like organizations. They're the militant ones who get in your face if you dare suggest that women aren't exactly equally in every way to men. These are the ones with a chip on their shoulder the size of the Rock of Gibralter (2.5 sq. miles, 1,397.6 ft. tall). Then, you have the more moderate section that still takes umbrage at the idea that women aren't equal to men in every way, but have decided to engage the rest of the world rather than just shouting at it from their ivory towers. A convert in our ward runs the Women's Outreach Program at my university and fits very nicely into this category. The third and final category is exemplified by my old boss, Carolyn. She's one of the best trial attorneys in Pennsylvania and has shown that she can beat virtually any guy in her field. She also recognizes that women are very different than men in many ways. Unequal does not mean subservient to her and she proves it.

As for feminism affecting me today, that's a big topic. We can go back to the 19th Amendment and women's voting rights and World War II and women in the workplace and lots of other changes. Can you be more specific?


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