Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Well, as far as presents from me go.... I left my one for the exchange at Mom and Dad's over Thanksgiving... I believe Nate and Manda should have received that last night?

For the nieces and nephews I only got TWO of the presents finished. The others will be coming sporadically throughout the next year. I can't say exactly when especially because this next semester is going to be my hardest in all of college... and I'm working part time and still have three callings. Anyway, so Allie and Bryan are getting their presents and Brooke will get hers not to long after Christmas. Then the plan is to get Stevie's done so I can give it to Eric and Laurel when they come out in February. After that I'm not sure who's I'll do.... we'll see.

Anyway, I fly out tomorrow afternoon. It looks like the weather is going to get bad at some point today... I'm hoping that it clears up by tomorrow afternoon when I leave for the airport. I'm giving myself TONS of time to get up there though.

Eric and Laurel- I called and left a message but you never called back. Do you have wrapping paper I can use or do I need to bring my own? I know that if I wrap things before flying they'll probably be opened. So I'd rather not do that.

Okay, I think that's all I have to say.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Yes we have wrapping paper. Or if we don't they have it at the store.