Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A nice long Christmas

We opened our first gifts at our Oregon Christmas on the 17th. Yesterday on Christmas we opened the gifts here from each other. Then this morning a package arrived from Maryland so we opened gifts from Trina and Adam and from Emily. I understand that there's another package waiting for us when we get home. Clarissa won't be home until January 4th so Christmas will last at least until then. That's the gift getting part - let's see if we can keep the Christmas spirit with us even longer.

This afternoon Frank, Clarissa, Michelle and I are going to the temple. Jared's staying home to watch the kids and finish getting his garage door opener installed. Tomorrow we'll go to some museums in Houston and on Friday we have tickets to NASA. We've been having lots of fun playing games with the kids. They really love games and are very good at them.

I'll get some pictures up when we get home. I'll have an extra day before I have to go back to work.

Thank you all for the beautiful gifts you've sent to us and to each other. Thank you for being the best kids and grandkids anyone could ask for.

Love ya,

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