Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas from the Caudles

Merry Christmas!

It's now 9:30 am Eastern ... Summer carried on the Palmer "tradition" of waking up uncharacteristically early on Christmas morning and refusing to go back to sleep. We kept her holed up in our room while I fed Rosemary, and we went out to the tree at about 7 am. Summer made out like a bandit - a rocking toy that's a bear instead of a horse (which we "inherited" from a family in the ward whose kids have outgrown it, and conveniently, it came just in time for Christmas when we wanted that kind of toy anyway!), a Little People farm with all those nifty animals, Mrs. Potato Head AND Mr. Potato Head, lots of books, and a nifty phone from Grandma and Grandpa. Thank you!

Thank you to Allison and Brooke for the books for Summer and Rosemary in the cousin book exchange (yes, Eric, it got here on time) - we like both books very much!

Rosemary slept through most of the festivities but she was awake while we opened her gifts. Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa for the neat rattle and the rubber duck! Summer of course immediately wanted to take her toys away from her, but fortunately was easily distracted away by her farm.

Summer, by the way, didn't know what to do with herself. She went back and forth between the farm and the rocking bear for awhile, and once the potato heads were open, I think she was a bit overwhelmed because then she just sat there and didn't play with anything. While I'm typing this, she's reading her new books with Emily. I am glad she got all of these toys because when I was cleaning her room recently, I went through her toys and realized she only had a couple of involved activity toys - it's all stuffed animals. (Hence the reason why I'm so opposed to them right now.) Now she has more toys that she can actually PLAY with.

Also thank you to Laurel for the cool CD - we're listening to the CD that Clarissa sent for Emily first, and then we'll put that one in. Thank you to Joshy for the cute picture - it's on the fridge with our other magnet frames. And thank you to Dad for the DVD of family movies ... we'll see about when I get up the guts to let Adam watch it - my high school years (which this mostly covers) were not what I'd call my finest on film. (See the note on my movie bio: www.insanityinc.net/purechaos/biotrina.htm )

We took a bunch of pictures, but Mindy will not be able to help me get them up on the webpage until she gets back to Oregon next week ... I'll email out a couple but you'll have to wait for the big spread. Sorry about that.

Merry Christmas, again, and we'll talk to you all later today!!

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