Monday, June 04, 2007


So I went to my first FHE in the singles branch back here in McMinnville. It was a baptism for a guy named Shawn. It was a nice meeting, but I hardly knew anyone there. It will take a while to build up a group of friends, especially without the charm of Tawnia to help me out. I did meet a few new people though, so that was nice. And I ran into a few people I knew, and they all say hi. More specifically:

Nathan and Amanda - Kim and Eddie say Congratulations (along with the rest of the Sanchez clan) about the baby. They're excited for you.

Emily - Kim says hello, and thinks that Library Science is absolutely perfect for you.

Clarissa - Savannah and Wendy both give a hearty hello, and wish that you would stay in better contact with them.

Jenna - Sister Rasband also says hello. Oh wait .. I guess I have to tell that to Jenna myself. And if no one has heard - Jenna is getting married in July. I know I get frustrated when I'm out of the loop of weddings and babies and stuff, so there's your loop.

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