Thursday, June 14, 2007

Back in Utah

Well... I left Oregon on Friday and spent the night in Boise with my friends Steph and Bill. It was nice visiting them and I'm glad I took the opportunity to because they are moving to Minnesota at the end of this month. So I got back to Utah on Saturday. It just happened to be "Art City Days" (Springville's city fair) so that night I ended up going and sitting on someone's lawn and watching the fireworks. It was a really good show actually.

Sunday it was back to church. I had people to sit by during all the meetings... but then everyone asked how things were without Mindy... so it didn't really help me to not miss her any. After church we had choir practice and then that evening we had a fireside.

On Monday I went to the dentist and let him yank two of my teeth. NOt very pleasant, but I survived. The recovery is taking a bit longer than I'd like, but at least I can eat solid foods instead of just drinking liquids. Monday evening I went to FHE. I sat and watched a lot of people playing the games, but I couldn't really participate. Then after I got home I was bored... so I called a couple of my friends and had them come over for to play games.

Tuesday I was pretty miserable from the teeth, but then I started feeling better so I rearranged the furniture in my living room. I then went to my tap classes that evening. My teacher told me to take it easy because of the dental work, so I sat and relaxed a bit. It turns out I will be dancing in FOUR dances at the recital on June 25th. Crazy.

Wednesday I spent a lot of time organizing my room. I have four bookshelves FULL of books and still have a few more books to find homes for. I hope to get my room finished up this week. Wednesday night I went to institute. It was a good class and the teacher remembered me from the few times I've gone before.

So that gets you up to speed on my life. I am staying busy and will start looking for a job as soon as my apartment is neat and organized. I have a couple of girls who have talked about moving in with me. I just need to get a commitment out of one of them.

Anyway, my time on the computer is about to end. I will have to look into getting a computer and internet at my own home, especially since I plan on doing school on-line this fall. Any advice on buying a computer? Should I get a PC or a laptop? Where is a good place to go? I really know nothing about computers (other than how to use them) so I would appreciate any good advice in this area.

Love to you all!

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